I've been tagged! ...TWICE! Joy!

5 min read

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LoveMySockhead12's avatar
knulla mig i röven...

First one I'm gonna do, comes from these three kittycats~ :iconthose3cats:
Let's do this...

1) Zodiac sign?

2) What do you look like? If you've changed over the years, tell us your looks from 5 to now.
Ehh, I have blue-ish grey eyes, my hair is kind of a medium blonde, nothing too special. I'mma tad skinny but I'm healthy...
and ha~ I don't keep up with that crud.
I guess my hair was a lighter blonde when I was younger, and it was much longer. I had it cut like a year or two ago.
It's still long, but you shoulda seen it then...

3) Favorite OTP?
PK Lovin', bitches :iconenglandglareplz:
*whispers*(Lucas x Ness)

4) Favorite band?
Umm... Owl City? I listen to all kinds of music, so... I haven't really chosen a favorite.

5) Are you taken?
I um :iconohgodwhyplz: ...

...Maybe? Final answer. I'm lockin' in...
WhoopsItotallymeantyes :iconpervylucasplz:

6) Play Cards?
On occasion. Usually when I have guests over.

7) What's your top 5 OTPs? (OTP - One True Pairing)
Good grief.
Le's see... I already mentioned liking NessxLucas, but the funny thing is, I kinda sorta ship NessxPaula too. If most people like one, they hate the other.
and if LucasxPaula was a thing, I'd like that too, whythehellnot

I'm too lazy to think of three more~ :iconsuperw00tplz:

How'boutToonLinkxVillager.. That's startin' to grow on me :icondrunkenlinkplz:

8) Did you obsess over anything as a kid?
Not particularly... But I was the only girl on the block who was always chatting with the boys about video games and trading Pokémon cards... Good times.
I still kick their tails at Call of Duty Yeh boi

9) Any mental/physical problems?
What the hell's that supposed to mean, I'm perfectly
normal. :iconsryyea: I'm fine
stariNG aT

10) If there was ONE thing you could change about yourself, what would it be?
To be less of an introvert.. :iconlinkannoyedplz:

hhhh next one... This feels like homework.
This one is from :iconxxsuperduckxx:

1.) You must post these rules
2.) answer the ten questions the person who tagged you made and make up your own 10 questions for the people you tag to answer.
3.)CHOOSE ten people and put their icons on this journal
4.) Go to their pages and inform them that they have been TAGGED!
5.) Not something stupid like 'you are tagged you read this.'
6.) You have to legitimately tag 10 people
7.) No tag-backs.
8.) Can't say, no tags.

Detta är fruktansvärt
Varför gör jag det här
denna sak till brand gropar...

1. If you had one of these following powers, what would it be?
Fire, water, air, or electricity?
I had done a quiz once... I think I'd have water. :iconness-plz:
Actually I'd have ice but that's not an option, so xD

2. If you can be somebody dead or alive fictional or non-fictional, who would you be and why?

3. Sword or shield?
Depends on what the enemy has. :iconlinkkissyfaceplz:

4. Swim across an ice cold river, or walk across fire burning rocks?
Would I have foot protection~? huehue

5. Nutella or peanut butter?
Um, Nutella? :iconpkobbyplz: Peanut butter sucks ass now

6. Would you like to travel around the whole world, or half of it?
Is this gonna cost me?

7. Whats the best game you have played on the Wii?

8. If you could meet a famous person from anywhere, who would it be and why?
~Skip~ :iconcomeoverhereplz:

9. Juon the grudge or FNaF? {Five night's at Freddy's}
FNaF FTFW :iconsmartyplz:


It'ssobootiful❤ :iconbaaawnessplz:

Whoops, too lazy, just... Answer the questions on the first thingy.. orthesecondoneIreallydon'tcarehh

I'm only tagging for the top meme, so... I guess I broke rules


6 people... CLOSE DAFUQ ENOUGH :iconwthnessplz:
i nEeD SLeEp!!1 It'slikefiveinthefugginmorningandIhaveschoolinliketwohours

...äntligen är det över, jag känner mig som den södra änden av en get...
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